Interested in learning more about SKIN Microplaster? Our articles and blogs offer a plethora of information on the novel micro-ceramic and resin admixture technology for building a resilient, stable, and long-lasting protective layer around pool shells, terrace floors, bathroom walls, and more. Get all the information you need on the innovative technology for high performance and luxury aesthetics offered only by SKIN Microplaster!


Our Articles & Blog Posts

The Best Pool Finishes with Microplaster for a Personal Touch
As a homeowner or commercial property owner in Florida, you know the importance of having a swimming pool that not only functions properly but also looks stunning. With a plethora of options available in the market, finding the best pool finishes can be a daunting task. However, there is an .
March 28, 2023
Microplaster and Waterproofing: Critical Elements of Your Swimming Pool’s Health
Swimming pools are a great addition to any home, although they can be expensive to install, especially if you go for in-ground concrete swimming pools. Nonetheless, they provide an enjoyable spot to cool off and relax and also add a touch of style to .
March 14, 2023
The Ultimate Guide to the Best Pool Plaster and Finishes
Pool installation is an expensive investment in the United States. The average cost of installing an in-ground concrete pool in Florida ranges between $35,380 and $65,389, and in Texas, it can cost up to $78,000! When you consider the value of your investment, you must realize how important it is to protect your pool from damage, leakages, and dysfunction.
February 20, 2023
Microplaster as a Premier Architectural Finish
Gone are the days when a tile-covered surface was pronounced as one of the best pool finishes in Houston, Texas (or anywhere in the world, really.) If you open Instagram, the newest issue of Architectural Digest, or take a drive through a new development, you’ll see similar trends across the lines: smooth design elements, soft edges, comforting colorscapes.
November 8, 2022
Creating Aesthetic Impervious Surfaces using Microplaster
When most people think of a hospital, they think of white walls and claustrophobia. When they think of a commercial kitchen, they think of metal tables and dingy floors. Some think of mold and mildew when they imagine bathrooms. All of these things give an icky feeling, and you don’t want to be in or around these areas. However, what if there was a product?
November 8, 2022
Microplaster and Waterproofing: The Key to Protecting your Investment
When you put your dream pool in your backyard after years of planning and months of work, the last thing that you want is for the whole project to need to be refinished. After all, a pool is an expensive investment. On average, it can cost about $50,000 to install an in-ground concrete pool.
November 8, 2022
Invest in your projects. Invest in SKIN.
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